Something interesting was presented to us in my Story 101 class, a group of questions for us to answer, adapted from Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way. I have not read the book yet, but it is on my list. I do know it is a book that has helped many people discover–and recover– their creativity. It's a book for those wishing to experience more creativity in their lives.
I like this idea, I have seen it on other blogs in their "about" page, a list of things that readers may find interesting to know about the blogger, or a way to get to know them better.
I always thought that two of the things I would list if I was to do this kind of "about me" page would be; a phobia I have: grasshoppers! What can you always be guaranteed to find when you come to my house: my vacuum in the middle of the floor in one of my rooms! I have 4 pets so I vacuum up to 3 times a day most days. I like to have it handy. Granted, having it in the middle of the kitchen or living room is not ideal, but it's handy if I find a fur ball!
Anyway, I digress. So here it is, I wanted to participate and blog the answers to the questions listed for us.
1. My favorite childhood toy was...
Cats! I know they are not a toy, but I would go into the closet when I had a cat who had babies, (and yes it happened often!) and I would grab my moms knitting needles and pretend to be their teacher! I would use the knitting needles to point at the one who should answer the questions! Weird I know. Barbie's were a close second!
2. My favorite childhood game was...
Monopoly or hide and seek.
3. The best movie I ever saw as a kid was...
E.T. It was my first movie in a theatre. When I was 10 or 12, I can't remember, Purple Rain became THE movie that would change my life. So dramatic, I know, but it's how I felt at the time.
4. I don't do it much but I enjoy...
A good food fight! Me and one of my brothers were famous for our food fights!
5. If I could lighten up a little, I'd let myself...
Give in to taking risks!
6. If it weren't too late, I'd...
Travel the world, living in other countries for a time and moving on.
7. My favorite musical instrument is...
I don't play an instrument, but I love the sound of the drums, and piano. Also the acoustic guitar.
8. The amount of money I spend on treating myself to entertainment each month is...
Good question. Coffee is a big one for me, craft supplies, baking supplies, travel to Prince concerts, yikes, it's a good thing I don't really keep track.
9. If I weren't so stingy with my artist, I'd buy her...
Her own studio with lots of windows, natural light, and a view to die for!
10. Taking time out for myself is...
writing, sitting still in nature and staring, swimming into deep water.
11. I am afraid that if I start dreaming...
I may finally take a risk that would change the course of my life forever.
12. I secretly enjoy reading...
I don't "secretly" enjoy anything, but I do love to read books that sometimes are a bit easy to read, with a good story, the ones you can finish in a day if you took the time. I do have an addiction to magazines. If I had the money, I would buy one of every magazine on every topic. But then I would need the time to read them all. I have piles of magazines I have not gotten to, or that I save for that one story I wanted to re read!
13. If I had a perfect childhood I'd have grown up to be...
Oh, the list could be endless, a rocker chic, a better wife, a photographer for National Geographic. Or I would still be me, just the way I am. Childhood made me who I am, but it didn't keep me where I once was. Change and growth, can be a beautiful thing!
14. If it didn't sound so crazy, I'd write or make a...
I would write a self dictated Biography of Prince. I find him fascinating, and would love to know his musically genius mind.
15. My parents think artists are...
I have no idea what my mother would think artists are. Perhaps I should ask her.
16. I believe God thinks artists are...
People who reach the souls of others.
17. What makes me feel weird about this course is...
Opening up to strangers.
18. Learning to trust myself is probably...
The best thing I could ever learn to do.
19. My most cheer-me-up music is...
Anything that makes me move, dance and be silly!
20. My favorite way to dress is...
This is a loaded question, because I do not dress in my favorite way. I have no idea how others would view how I currently dress, I have been told I am classic in my style. My favorite is Bohemian. Not that I would ever need to wear one, but I would love to be able to pull off a gown and heals!
There it is. So people who know me, did you learn anything new?
Wow, I encourage you to jot this down for yourself and answer the questions, the answers came so much easier to me than I thought!
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!
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